A Guide to Body Image Therapy

Dealing with body image issues can really do a number on your self-esteem and quality of life. As tough as it is, seeking professional counseling through body image therapy could seriously help you develop way healthier attitudes about your looks. This guide gives you the lowdown on what you can expect if you decide to go to body image therapy.

Understanding Body Image Therapy

So, what exactly is body image therapy? It's a specific type of counseling geared towards helping people struggling with negative body image and low self-worth related to their appearance. You'll sit and chat with a therapist who specializes in treating poor body image, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and other impactful issues. Together, you'll explore how things such as societal beauty standards, media portrayal of ideals, and childhood remarks may have shaped your perception of your appearance. Understanding these influences will be empowering, as it'll allow you to rebuild your body confidence from a positive and authentic perspective.

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

If you decide to pursue body image counseling, your first session will be an evaluation to get to the bottom of what's driving your condition. Some activities may include answering questions, doing some writing exercises, and having open discussions about your history with food and past comments about your appearance. While it's a serious topic, this process allows the therapist to tailor a treatment plan, ensuring the right solutions for your unique body image concerns.

What a Treatment Plan Consists Of

The plan usually includes techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy to transform negative thought patterns, mindfulness to keep you present instead of picking apart your problems, and exposure therapy to slowly face the activities, clothing, mirror time, or photoshoots you typically freak out over or avoid because of body anxiety. Pushing past the discomfort is one of the best ways to overcome your fears and become comfortable with your body. The specific treatment plan will vary depending on your unique situation.

With professional guidance tailored to your unique challenges, you can overcome the barriers holding you back from confidently embracing your body. According to BreakBingeEating.com, over 50% of adults in the US, UK, Australia, France, and Germany stated they've experienced weight stigma. If you're looking to overcome these stigmas or just feel more comfortable and confident in your skin, body image therapy may benefit you. Call Daniela Durazo today to schedule your first appointment.


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