
Hi everyone! My name is Daniela Durazo. I was born in LA, grew up in Mexico City (I am bi-lingual!), and now I am a Miami local.  I am currently the Assistant Clinical Director in one of the best eating disorder treatment facilities in the country while providing my own coaching and therapy services for my private practice clients.  I am extremely passionate about the work that I do with body image and disordered eating/binging and am excited you came to my site! Read along for my full journey. 

I got my Bachelor’s degree in Culinary Nutrition in 2012 and have been working with the disordered eating population ever since.

After graduation, I began working at Oliver Pyatt Centers as the executive chef, creating meal plans for clients, leading cooking groups, teaching clients how to cook on a one-on-one basis, and supporting clients through anxiety they encountered with food.

After seven years, I became a recovery coach focused on providing support to my clients with meals, grocery outings, anxiety related to food, body image distress, restaurant outings, food exposures, and all around coaching through mindfulness and the intuitive eating approach. Once I understood the psychological side of eating disorders, in addition to the nutritional and the culinary aspects, I decided to get my Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling to expand my expertise and to provide more well-rounded support to my clients.

I completed my mental health internship at Milestones in Recovery, which is a center for eating disorders that uses the addictions model to evaluate eating disorders, further expanding my knowledge on the different approaches to treating eating disorders. Throughout my professional career I have had the opportunity to work with clients with eating disorders, mood disorders, anxiety, depression, substance use and other co-occurring diagnoses that come with eating disorders. After working with the eating disorder population for more than ten years now I am fortunate to have the knowledge and experience to provide well-rounded care to my clients which includes culinary, nutrition and psychological support. 

Throughout this immensely gratifying journey, I realized that I have a great passion for the disordered eating population. Not only can I relate so well to the struggles my clients go through every day, but I have also improved my own body image and my relationship with food through working with them. With every step I was able to find my passion and gain the experience I needed to support my clients in the best way possible.